Raman, Norazmira AbdulAhmad, Maisarah2015-01-292015-01-292015-01-29978-979-792-332-7wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6676Th1s article examines the role of recyclinq sccJalisatJon aqents on recyclinq literacy amonq Muslim vouths. Extant literature review on recvclinq behaviour delineates the resea rch qap and supports the aim of th1s study From consumer behaviour literature. consumer socalisation theorv is identified as a complementinq theorv to support the proposed studv. Factors influencmq consumer behaviour towards enwonmental friendly behaviour and a sustainable development identified by previous researchers are mternal factors, cultural imperialism, and reliqion. However, ascertained by review of literature. there is a qap on therole of recvc11nq socialisation aqents in fosterinq recyclinq lite racv.Moreover. the lack of theoretical foundation in previous studies paves the way forincorporatinq consumer socialisation theorv to substantiate this present studv specifically in role of parents peers. mass media. and Institutions in cultivatino recvclmq behaviour amono Muslim youths. Th1s paper provides a foundation for examininq the 1oleof recvclina socialisation aaents on recyclino literacy amana Muslim youths In particular. this study focuses on how recycl1ng socialisation perspective could prov1de valuable JnSiqhts on consumer soc1al1sation aqent via recycl1nq socialisation aqents Influence on recycling literacy. This paper provides nevi ins1ahts 1n understandino critical factors that inftuence recyclinq behaviour. Research qaPS Identified from the extant literature review unearths the role of recycling socialisation agents on recycling literacy as propagated by consumer socialisation theory.enMuslim youthrecycling socialisation agent. consumer socialisation theory recyclmg literacyrecycling behaviourConceptual Paper: Role of Recycling Socialisation Agents on Recycling Literacy Among Muslim YouthUR-Proceedings