Gaol, Boy A LumbanNababan, Tumpal ParulianSirait, Haposan2016-04-272016-04-272016-04-27wahyu sari yeni article discusses the application of ARCH-GARCH method to calculate value at risk. The application process begins by constructing model using ARCH-GARCH. This model is used to predict the variance or the volatility of share price index of LQ 45. This model considers heteroscedasticity factor of time series data used. Based on the volatility, value at risk of share price index of LQ 45 is calculated.enARCH-GARCH methodvalue at riskvolatilityheteroscedasticityshare price index of LQ 45PERHITUNGAN VALUE AT RISK HARGA SAHAM DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN VOLATILITAS ARCH-GARCH DALAM KELOMPOK SAHAM LQ 45student Paper Post Degree