DesmelatiSumartoMeilin, Saputri2014-01-232014-01-232014-01-23wahyu sari yeni assessment on consumer acceptance and quality of shrimp nugget was conductedat the Laboratory of Fish Processing Technologyand Food ChemistryFaculty ofFisheriesand Marine ScienceUniversity ofRiauinJanuary 2012. The purposeof the study was to assess consumer acceptanceand proximate composition ofnugget prepared from shrimp (Acetes erythraeus). The dried shrimp was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The dried shrimp was ground and made for nugget with four formulations; each formulation contained 200 g, 300 g, 400 g and 500 g. The nugget then were evaluated for consumer acceptance and proximate quality. Consumer acceptance of the nugget was evaluated for flavor, odor, texture and appearance by 80 panelists. The result showed that the nugget prepared by addition of 400 g dried shrimp was the superior consumer acceptance with itscharacteristicof golden yellow appearance,significant shrimp odor and flavor and chewy texture. Proximate compositionof theshrimp nugget were 19,60% moisture, 34,68% protein, 0,86% fat, 3,28% ash and 50,51% calcium.enConsumer acceptanceproximate qualitynuggetdried shrimpKAJIAN PENERIMAAN KONSUMEN DAN MUTU NUGGET UDANG REBON (Acetes erythraeus)UR-Scientific Work Lecturer