Sukmiwati, Mery2013-05-312013-05-312013-05-31978-602-9115-20-8wahyu sari yeni activity of Sea Cucumbers from the coastal waters of Natuna, Riau Island were investigated. Each species of sea cucumber was extracted with methanol and the extracted concentrated using rotary vacuum evaporator. DPPH method was used to examine the antioxidant activity of the extract. The extract of Stichopus vastus showed the highest among 16 species others antioxidant activity in DPPH method with percentage inhibition of 57.35 %. Phytochemical identification on methanol extract of sea cucumbers showed that terpenoid and fenolik were the major component. This finding suggested that terpenoid and fenolik are responsible for antioxidant activity.enAntioxidant activityDPPHHolothuroideaSea cucumberUJI AKTIVITAS ANTIOKSIDAN PADA 16 SPESIES TERIPANG YANG DITEMUKAN PADA PERAIRAN NATUNA KEPULAUAN RIAUOther