Husaini, Rizki RamadhanSandhyavitri AriSiswanto2013-03-212013-03-212013-03-21rio andika need for clean water in the city of Dumai should be a concern due to increasing population Dumai City of ± 3.54% per year resulting in a net increase in water demand in the city. Strategies of water distribution system is needed to provide some services for the alternative option Dumai city with limited water supply. The results of this study can be concluded that of the projected population in the city of Dumai which includes 7 sub obtained water needs in 2012 is ± 244liter/detik, 2015 is ± 370 liters / sec and 2020 is ± 440 liters / second. Addressing the needs of the water is done phasing with 4 scenarios for each of the water supply capacity starting from 80 Liter / sec in the year 2012-2015 and 160 liters / sec in the year 2016-2020. The distribution system of water services for the city of Dumai obtained is expected to serve as a guide to management development programs, especially the development of the water resources of water services in the future.otherdistribution systemsservice strategyclean waterSTRATEGI PELAYANAN JARINGAN DISTRIBUSI AIR BERSIH STUDI KASUS KOTA DUMAIstudent Paper Post Degree