Meutia, WitaSentosa Leo2013-01-142013-01-142013-01-14nurasmi Jambi segment has an important role to facilitate the economy of Riau Province to Jambi Province. But the street was severaly damage. For be expected to facilitate the mobility of Pekanbaru City to Jambi City, Ministry of Public Works planning road improvements. In this final project researches determine how much remaining life and to analyze pavement thickness on the Siberida-Batas Jambi segment . To evaluate the flexible pavement structure used Bina Marga 1989 method and Bina Marga 2002 method. To evaluate the rigid pavement structures used AASHTO 1993 method. According to result, there was difference between Bina Marga 1989 method and “Bina Marga 2002”method. Factors that influence these differences are different Vechicle Damage Factor, vehicle weight used, Equivalent Standart Axle Load (ESAL) and the type of layer pavement used. The rigid pavement thickness at this point requires an additional 7% of the thick original plan. In this research, the remaining life of the plan which occurred at 85,64%otherEquivalent standart axle load (Esal)remaining liferigid pavementflexible pavementEVALUASI STRUKTUR PERKERASAN JALAN MENGGUNAKAN DATA BERAT BEBAN KENDARAAN DARI JEMBATAN TIMBANG (Studi Kasus pada Ruas Jalan Siberida-Batas Jambi km 255+150 s/d km 256+150)student Paper Post Degree