Salam, Noor Efni2014-05-202014-05-202014-05-20976-602-14576-0-3wahyu sari yeni research examined how the identity of Riau Malay culture could be maintained through several strategies. This condition was very important to be notice or be responsible for the community, by considering of Malay culture that dealing with the culture development that increasingly globalized and other social changes. The challenges were in the form of the co-optation culture happening that supported by capitalism and global market forces that led the local cultures (Malay Culture) diminished and eliminated if those were not maintained and preserved. The purpose of this research was to describe the communication practice (action) that had been done by the Riau community in digging / exploring cultural values in order to maintain their identity. Further more, this research also analyzed the various show of ‘force’ that occur in Riau community, relating to identity assertion with culture references and various Malay traditions. In addition, to find a cultural symbol that be the identity of Riau community so it could be maintained for the future to the threat of foreign cultures and globalization. This research used qualitative method that produced descriptive data. The data were collected by deep interview with a number of sources by purposive sampling, observation, documentation study and literature study. The results of this research showed that the strategies of the government that in the form of regulation area had been run although the punishment had not shown up maximum. The strategies that quite effective were the strategy that directing contact to the community and their basic need such as cultural events, tourism and culinary arts as well. Strategies on fashion aspect and Malay traditional building are still problematic until now. The government just can do maximum of defense and continuously do renegotiation in order to get the strategy formula and deal that appropriate with Malay idealism on one side and era demand on the other sideenStrategyCommunication CultureMalayIdentitySTRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DAN BUDAYA DALAM MEMPERTAHANKAN IDENTITAS MASYARAKAT MELAYU RIAUUR-Proceedings