Putri, Lucy Anggria2013-08-282013-08-282013-08-28MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5172This the research discuss about ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanmar 2009-2011. ASOD is a forum for the meeting of ASEAN member countries in addressing the problems of illegal drug trafficking in region. ASOD goal is to realize the ASEAN drug-free by 2020 and then accelerated in 2015, and Myanmar is a country located in South East Asia region which is a major center of opium production. by using descriptive qualitative method, the writer tries to explain ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanamar 200-2011 with the the theory of effectiveness international organizations by Frank Biermann and Steffan Bauer from the output, outcome, and impact. ASOD efforts in tackling drugs trafficking in Myanmar with more emphasis on ASOD 30th meeting in Cambodia 2009-2015 which is a qualitative indicator of ASEAN in achieving a drug-free ASEAN 2015otherASOD,drugs trafficking,effectiveness,effortsUPAYA ASOD (ASEAN SENIOR OFFICIAL ON DRUGS MATTERS) DALAM MENANGGULANGI DRUGS TRAFFICKING DI MYANMAR 2009-2011student Paper Post Degree