Anita, Fitri2012-10-312012-10-312012-10-30 tentang peningkatan hasil belajar melalui teknik bertukar pasanganPENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TEKNIK BERTUKAR PASANGAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS SEJARAH SISWA KELAS VIII SMPN 2 TAMBANG KABUPATEN KAMPAR Di susun oleh Fitri Anita Ridwan Melay Marwoto Saiman Pendidikan Sejarah, FKIP – Universitas Riau Jl. Bina Widya KM 12,5 Pekanbaru Email: 082387739334 ABSTRACT The observations found low outcomes for learning at seventh grade students in SMPN 2 Tambang, this was due the teachers were still using conventional learning system (Lecture and Q & A) in active teaching learning process, the result was the students learning outcomes not fit to the criteria of minimal completeness (KKM) has been established by schoolinstitutions, that was 73. This classroom action research was held at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Tambang Kampar in The Academic Year of 2011/2012 to 22 students, which was conducted in 2 cycles from May to August 2012. From the analyses of the data obtainedshow the following outcome: 1) learning outcomes of students in the main subject of analyzing the process of western colonialism in Indonesia by the using of Pair Exchange Technique. 2) student learning outcome gained a large increase in social sciene subject by the using of cooperative learning modelinpair exchange techniques, from a score of 77.2% to 95.4%. It can be concluded that the application of Pair Exchange Techniques can improve student learning outcomesto social scieneen-UScooperative learningpair exchangelearning outcomePenerapan pembelajaran kooperatif teknik bertukar pasangan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar ips sejarah siswa kelas viii smpn 2 tambang Kabupaten kamparArticle