Ramadani, Haris2013-08-262013-08-262013-08-26Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4969The outsourcing working system is basically able to provide the job field and able to reduce the jobless with simple assumption that this system give the chance to everyone to compete. However, outsourcing created the problems in fact. Assortment of opinions about outsourcing working system is emerged. K.SBSI is a trade organization that actively voiced trade arguments about outsourcing working system. In uncovering the truth K.SBSI opinion about outsourcing researcher is done research in Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis. The purpose of study was conducted to determine how K.SBSI opinion on outsourcing working system and determine the factors that influence the formation of opinion. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and techniques of data collection using observation, interviews, documentation. Informants in this study is K.SBSI that officers and members, Disnakertrans, employers and workers who are not members of he organization K.SBSI. The informant obtained through snowball sampling approach with key informant was secretary K.SBSI. The result of this study that opinion Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (K.SBSI) Toward Outsourcing Working System in Kecamatan Mandau adverse workers because it is not running in place with contract worker with a short and bit income does not provide a guarantee for the future of worker. According to K.SBSI in Kecamatan Mandau the human in outsourcing by companies instead of project work. In addition, K.SBSI also supports the goverment proposed outsourcing working system because it gives a positive thing for workers if running in place. The factors influencing opinion formation K.SBSI in outsourcing working system is believe, attitudes have three components, cognitive, affective and behavior. Then Perception, perception is a process of giving meaning stems from several factors, that factors of past experience workers, ideological factors associated with the values espoused by K.SBSI, workers working environment factors, factors of media and factors of subsistence workers who have not fulfilled.otherPublic opinionopinion formation processoutsourcingOPINI KONFEDERASI SERIKAT BURUH SEJAHTERA INDONESIA (K.SBSI) TERHADAP SISTEM KERJA OUTSOURCING di KECAMATAN MANDAU KABUPATEN BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree