Ardansyah2013-07-202013-07-202013-07-20 koordinasi antara Penyidik Polri dan Penuntut Umum pada tahap Pra Penuntutan belum berjalan dengan baik karena kurangnya koordinasi antara pihak penyidik maupun pihak penuntut umum terutama dalam hal mencari dan menemukan alat bukti mengakibatkan berkas perkara menjadi bolak balik.Implementation of pre-prosecution based on the coordination between the investigator with the prosecutor. Coordination began when an alert is established at the beginning of the Prosecution (SPDP) is accepted by the prosecution. In the implementation of pre-prosecution investigator with the prosecutor's relationship is built from the concept of functional coordination. But in practice the relationship is not going well between investigators and prosecutors so that ultimately the case file be alternating between an investigator with the prosecutor, while no tough sanctions in pre prosecution under the Criminal Procedure Code.enImplementationAttorney GeneralCoordination -Police InvestigatorPELAKSANAAN KOORDINASI ANTARA PENYIDIK POLISI REPUBLIK INDONESIA DAN PENUNTUT UMUM PADA TAHAP PRA PENUNTUTAN DI KEJAKSAAN NEGERI PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree