Cahyati, Isa Endar2023-05-042023-05-042023-01PerpustakaanElfitra shoot is wild plant grown on rubber plantation field. Seminyak shoot is traditional vegetable originating from the Rokan Malays. Fruits, leaves and flowers of Seminyak are consumed Rokan Malay people. The taste of this oil shoot is sweet and slippery. Molecular research on shoots of Seminyak has never been done. Therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of isolating total DNA and electrophoresis of the shoots of Seminyak. Total DNA isolation using Genomic DNA Mini Kit Plant (Geneaid) using young leaves from PS3 individuals. The visualization results of total DNA bands show thin bands and smears with a size of more than 10.000 bp.entotal DNAelectrophoresisDNA bandsSeminyak shootsISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN PUCUK SEMINYAK SAMPEL PS3 ASAL KABUPATEN KAMPAR, RIAUArticle