Prihastika, Esti2013-02-192013-02-192013-02-19 sp. and Shigella sp. are the common enteric pathogen bacteria with high prevalence as the cause of diarrhea in Indonesia. They cause high morbidity, especially in the children due to lower immunity. A study to detect Salmonella sp. and Shigella sp. from children’s diarrhea fecal specimen has been done on October until January 2012. In this period, we collected 97 fecal specimen from four hospitality primary health care in Pekanbaru and examination has been done in Microbiology Laboratory of Medical Faculty Riau University. From all of the fecal specimen, 15(15,5%) Salmonella sp. and 8(8,3%) Shigella sp. were isolated. Based on gender and age, the infections were mostly found in male and in 1-5 years old patients. Most of patients who had positive Salmonella sp. and Shigella sp. experiencing fever and vomitus. Diarrhea with blood or mucous were only found in feces with positive Shigella sp..enDiarrheaSalmonella sp.Shigella spmorbidityhospitality primary health careIDENTIFIKASI Salmonella sp. DAN Shigella sp. PADA TINJA ANAK DENGAN DIARE YANG BEROBAT DI PUSKESMAS RAWAT INAP KOTA PEKANBARU