KHAIRULI2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28Arbi Sahuri research aim to see couple victory of Jefri Noer and of Ibrahim Ali in pemilukada Kabupaten Kampar year 2011 and becoming this research focus is what strategy done/conducted for winner pemilkuda as Regent and Proxy Regent. Besides also becoming this research focus is why Jefri Noer can tepilih return at pemilukda of Sub-Province Camphor year 2011. this research use method qualitative hence for the dekriptif of analysis. This research use technique of purposif and sampling of snowball sampling and interview with informan as information object information with aim to to reach target to get information in this research. File type which is used in this research is primary file and file of sekunder. As for theory which is used in this research is strategy theory as well as my me of elector. Result of research show in doing conducting strategy done conducted by Jefri Noer and of Ibrahim Ali at pemilukada of Sub-Province Camphor year 2011, there are some strategy which is shellac of Jefri Noer among others correct issue, control of voice of yan laminated, network of Jefri Noer center and difference of issue each;every campaign region. Besides in internal factor and ekternal, in internal factor result of elite show masyrakat that masyrakat in general it is true take a fancy to buttonhole a Jefri Noer with efficacy of she have Camphor memipin as Regent in the year 2001-2006. At factor of eksternal that in passing pemilukada of Sub-Province Camphor of Burhanuddin Husen happened internal komflik between candidate of Bupai and Regent proxy candidate. Hopefully what promised when couple campaign can him in society. Ought to in owning side proxy of Burhanuddin Husin is true really in parallel and one mind.otherPemilkukadaStrategyvictory.ANALISIS KEMENANGAN PASANGAN JEFRI NOER DAN IBRAHIM ALI PADA PEMILUKADA KABUPATEN KAMPAR PADA TAHUN 2011student Paper Post Degree