Sap, Zulpisar2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAT study was given the title of the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) In the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu. This study aimed to determine the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) Wake up early in the Village and the obstacles faced by the village government in the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation. form of government concern towards the development of rural areas can be seen with the development budget specifically set forth in the Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) for the development of rural areas, namely in the form of allocation of village funds (ADD). . Allocation Fund Village is part of the center and the balance funds intended for rural areas in implementing government services, community development. Therefore, the management should be guided by the values of good governance. Village guided by the Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government, is: "the unity of the legal community who have boundaries that are authorized to manage and take care of the interests of local communities based on the origin and local customs that are recognized and respected in the system of administration of the State Unitary Republic of Indonesia ". This study aims to determine the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu and Hambata- Hambatanpemerintah to determine the allocation of village funds. Using resources through informants. While the techniques of data collection consisted of observations and interviews with the source data consists of primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu has not been good and maximum. The factors that influence in the Government Accountability Implementation Fund Allocation In Rural Villages (ADD) in the village of Purba Build Build District Purba Rokan Hulu consists of human resource factors, community participation, and poor coordination.otherPemerintahan Desa,Akuntabilitas,Bangun PurbaAKUNTABILITAS PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PELAKSANAAN ALOKASI DANA DESA(ADD) DI DESA BANGUN PURBA KECAMATAN BANGUN PURBA KABUPATEN ROKAN HULUstudent Paper Post Degree