Yakub, Riky2022-07-252022-07-252022-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10591Analysis of the magnetic susceptibility of the composition and particle size of the natural sand of the Rokan River has been carried out using two-stage ball millng method.This study aims to determine the value of magnetic susceptibility,percentage composition and particle size of natural sand in the Rokan River which has been ball milled in two stages. The results of the calculation of the magnetic susceptibility value using the two-stage ball milling method have increased for the same current of 1000 mA, the magnetic susceptibility value for ball milling stage 1 (𝐵𝐵𝑚1) is 32037.118 × 10−5and stage 2 ball milling (𝐵𝐵𝑚2) is 36084,843 × 10−5. Identification of the composition was carried out using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and particle size testing using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for ball milling product stage 1 (𝐵𝐵𝑚2) and stage 2 (𝐵𝐵𝑚2) ball milling. The results of XRF identification showed that the Fe composition increased from 18.510% to 20.039%, while the Si composition decreased from 51.329% to 50.093%. The results of the SEM test showed that with the two-stage ball milling method the particle size decreased from 1.564 𝜇m in stage 1 ball milling and 1.353 𝜇m in stage 2 ball milling.enRiver Natural SandIron Sand SeparatorBall MillingX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)ANALISA SUSEPTIBILITAS MAGNETIK KOMPOSISI DAN UKURAN PARTIKEL PASIR ALAM SUNGAI ROKAN DIPREPARASI DENGAN METODE BALL MILLING DUA TAHAPArticle