Rohmah, MiftakhurHasriatiHarison2016-02-042016-02-042016-02-04wahyu sari yeni article discusses the reserve life insurance contingent based on the Gompertz distribution at the age of x and y . Contingent life insurance is an insurance whose payments based on the sequence of the deceased insured. Life insurance also uses the compound contingent function, that is a function affected by the order of probability of delay of death. Calculation of the reserve contingent life insurance is only for two cases, if x dies before y and if x dies after y . This calculation is obtained by prior determining a premium and annuity due based on the Gompertz distribution.enGompertz distributionterm life insurancecompound contingent functionprospective reserveCADANGAN ASURANSI JIWA CONTINGENT BERDASARKAN DISTRIBUSI GOMPERTZstudent Paper Post Degree