Winarmo, Suhud2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13Muchtar Rahmat drain is a phenomenon of the migration of intellectuals such as teachers, doctors, engineers and other academic actors from country to country. Motive for migration brain drain actors as diverse as the lack of quality of life in the country, promising jobs in lar country, political pressure, avoiding repressive regime that curb freedoms and feel insecure due to domestic political upheaval da war that never ends. This study used a qualitative descriptive analytical research methodology by looking at cause-effect relationship of these symptoms are examined in a scientific background to the analysis technique, which aims to explain how the relationship of symptoms with symptoms or other phenomena. The study is a descriptive analysis with a focus on describing the process or the steps taken by Iraq to modernize its military. This study attempted to describe the process by analyzing the phenomenon based on existing data. Brain Drain happened until after the invasion of the U.S. invasion of Iraq has generated a lot of disadvantages and problems of Iraq and the United States and exacerbating political and economic stability around the conflict. Large-scale migration of civil society and intellectuals who experienced significant increases becoming a major problem for Iraq due to inhibition of the economy and the progress of the country. Hence the phenomenon of brain drain is a phenomenon that should receive more attention by the government in a state of being one vital point for the survival of a such.otherIrakSaddam Husseinbrain drainASinvationFENOMENA BRAIN DRAIN PASCA INVASI AS KE IRAK TAHUN 2003-2008student Paper Post Degree