Muthia Sari, Rahma2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28sumarni research was conducted from July to August 2012 in Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Reservoir. This study aimed to determine the relationship of BOD5 with nutrient. There were six station, which two station in each zone. In each station the sampler were taken at three different depths (surface, 2,5 fold of Secchi Disk and bottom). Water quality parameters measured were temperature, transparancy, depth, current, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), BOD5, nitrate, phosphat and ammonia. Results shown water temperatures 31 - 31.70C, transparancy 47 - 55.83 cm, depth 1.2 -5 m, current 2.60 - 3.23 cm/sec, pH 5 , dissolved oxygen (DO) 2.4 - 6.8 mg / l, BOD5 3.8 - 7.4 mg/l, nitrate 0.01 - 0.09 mg / l, phosphate 0.017 - 0.247 mg / l and ammonia 0.06 - 0.29 mg/l. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded there are relationship of BOD5 with nutrient. The concentration of BOD5 in the reservoir Bandar Kayangan Sari Valley coar already polluted whereas phosphate concentration basedon lacustrine zone was eutrophic.otherBOD5NutrientBandar Kayangan Lembah Sari ReservoirKeterkaitan Antara BOD5 Dengan Unsur Hara Di Waduk Bandar Kayangan Lembah Sari Kelurahan Rumbai Pesisir Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru Provinsi Riaustudent Paper Post Degree