Romasta, Evi2013-01-082013-01-082013-01-08MUCHTAR RAHMAT activities are not only used on the a private company that is for profit, but also in various fields or a non profit agency, one field permuseuman. Through these promotional activities, museums can communicate, publish and promote the Museum so that pekanbaru people can know about information Museum Daerah Sang Nila Utama This study aims to determine the implementation of the promotion Museum daerah Sang Nila Utama in units of the Regional Technical Executive Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Riau and constraints that occur in the implementation of the promotion Museum daerah Sang Nila Utama. The research method in this study is a qualitative description method which describes the overall concept is the translation of events, research data obtained from primary and secondary sources, this study data collection from observations, interviews, documentation and dissemination of questionnaires to visitors. This research technique using Likert scale that is designed to allow the respondent to answer a variety of levels on each object to be measured and the data analysis of this research is a qualitative description. In this study, the implementation of the Promotion of Museum Daerah Sang Nila Utama quite well, where it is known that the manager has implemented several promotions to its full potential either through advertising, public relations and sales promotion, but it has not been able to attract visitors due to the persistence of the various problems that occur in carrying out promotional activities of museums, such as the limited funds owned facilities and infrastructure managers are less supportiveotherPelaksanaanPromosiPelaksanaan Promosi Museum Daerah Sang Nila Utama di Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Daerah Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi RiauArticle