Mardhatillah, WirdatiSyech, RiadTambunan, Walfred2014-03-262014-03-262014-03-26Rangga Dwijunanda Putra research has been done about the determination of heavy metal concentrations such as Pb, Cu, Zn and electrical conductivities of industrial liquid waste of some rubber factories in Pekanbaru. The method that used in this research was an experimental method while the samples of rubber factory waste in Pekanbaru were taken five times for each rubber factory. The waste samples then were measured their heavy metal concentration using an Atomic Absorbtion Spectophotometer (AAS) and their electrical conductivity was measured by an conductivitimeter. The result showed that the concentration of Pb from both samples was not detected, this indicates that the concentration of Pb was very small. The average concentration of Zn in the liquid waste of PT. Bangkinang was 7,436 x10-6 kg/L which was higher than the of Zn concentration in liquid waste of PT. RICRY which was 3,59 x10-6 kg/L. The aveage concentration of Cu in liquid waste of PT. Bangkinang was 1,49 x10-6 kg/L that was higher than the Cu concentration in liquid waste of PT. RICRY which was 1,436 x10-6 kg/L. The average of electrical conductivity in liquid waste of a rubber factory, PT. Bangkinang was 319,74 x10-4 mho/m which was higher than of of liquid waste of PT. RICRY which was only 197,92 x10-4 mho/motherliquid wasteheavy metal concentrationelectrical conductivityPENENTUAN KONSENTRASI LOGAM BERAT Pb, Cu, Zn DAN KONDUKTIVITAS LISTRIK LIMBAH CAIR INDUSTRI PABRIK KARET PEKANBARUOther