Yesicha, ChelsySulistyani, Andri2019-01-092019-01-092019-01-10978-979-792-865-0wahyu sari yeni is a leading sector in Nawacita and national strategies that concern on development from the suburbs and villages within the framework of a unitary state, as well as realizing independence by buiding the strategic domestic economy sectors. One manifestation of higher education participation in this case is the preparation of local human resources as a manager of their territorial potential through the program of Desa Binaan (Guided Village). This community service activity aims to prepare the village of Koto Sentajo as a distingushed tourism destination in form of traditional village in Riau Province. The empowerment programs are carried out by analyzing the variety of village tourism resources, preparing the community to be aware of healthy lifestyles and strengthening the capacity of human resources through coaching and field assistance to community leaders and tourism activists in Koto Sentajo. The situation analysis found that this traditional village was characterized by 27 Rumah Godang houses from four tribes who lived, namely the Melayu Tribe, the Patopang Tribe, the Piliang Tribe, and the Chaniago Tribe, along with their cultural completeness. Additional attractions are dominated by the Sentajo custom, in the form of pacu jalur, sosoran pondam pandekar tuah (randai self-defense art), the tradition of eating together at traditional houses, as well as natural attractions such as plantation areas, rivers, rice fields, and customary forests that are ready to be developed. The weaknesses were found as the lack of environmental sanitation, unpreparedness tourist amenities, and monotonous attractions. Thus, continued assistance is still needed, especially in the development of creative industries and good tourism services.encommunity empowermenttraditional village tourismKoto SentajoPengembangan Potensi Desa Wisata Adat Koto Sentajo Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi RiauArticle