HabibahArneliwatiIndriati, Ganis2013-07-112013-07-112013-07-11http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4238The aims of this research is to identify the correlation between the level of the family’s knowledge about pulmonary TB preventive behavior against pulmonary TB disease transmission. This design of this research is cross-sectional design. Number of sample are 76 families who are selected by cluster sampling technique in RW 10 distric Tuah Karya. The statistical results shows p value <alpha (ρ 0.001 < α 0.05), so that there is significant correlaions between the level of the family’s knowledge about pulmonary TB to the preventive behavior against Pulmonary TB disease transmission. Research finding suggested to the families to improve their knowledge of pulmonary TB and healthy living behavior in preventing pulmonary TB disease transmissionenPulmonary TBfamily, prevention behaviorsknowledgeHUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN KELUARGA TENTANG TB PARU TERHADAP PERILAKU PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN PENYAKIT TB PARUOther