Mulyadi, MulyadiThressia, Merry2021-01-212021-01-212019-11-16978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni is always said that health is the right of all people and society, but always inequality and inequality occur in human life. Public parties are unable to realize equal rights in getting equal health. The variety of health a person receives is due to human factors, the source of disease and the environment as a medium. This paper tries to answer how there is inequality in people / communities in receiving and getting health and what causes these health inequalities. The analysis was carried out by developing and modifying Gordon's environmental health concepts and combining them with human health concepts. The formulation can be used as a pattern to see and analyze the phenomena of public health.enhealthenvironmental healthhygieneagentshumanKESEHATAN DAN LINGKUNGAN MASYARAKAT: KONSEP DASAR DAN ANALISISArticle