Elvyra, RozaRoslim, Dewi IndriyaniNovitasari, Dede Aryani2016-03-302016-03-302016-03-30978-979-792-546-8wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8125The preliminary study on the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA against Kryptopterus apogon has been done. This study aims to obtain sequence of D-loop region of Kryptopterus apogon.from Indragiri Hulu river of Riau Province. Primer of D-loop or control region used for Polymerase Chain Reactions process. The results of Polymerase Chain Reactions is partial D-loop region of 248 bp. The partial D-loop region can distinguish Kryptopterus apogon with other fish speciesenD-loop regionIndragiri Hulu riverKryptopterus apogonRiauThe Mitochondrial D-loop Region of Kryptopterus apogon from Indragiri Hulu River of Riau ProvinceUR-Proceedings