Sari, Dwi KomalaErwinHusin, Asnawi2016-05-192016-05-192016-05-19wahyu sari yeni paper continues some results from equatorial GPS ionospheric scintillation observations that have been conducted at Kototabang, West Sumatera Indonesia. The previous research has shown that the maximum ionospheric scintillation occured in equinox months which are in March to April and September to October. To get the morphological appearances of ionospheric scintillation, the analysis that is done by determining the percentage of occurances, time of occurances, and FFT analysis that shows the period of occurance of ionospheric scintillation. The used data range is 2006 to 2013 data. The amplitude of scintillation was measured using the S4 index. Ionospheric scintillation was generated from GPS satellite through ionospheric layers that underwent delaying. The occurance of ionospheric scintillation was minimum in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 with its value respectively of around 60%, 20%, 35% and 23%. These occurances were due to a minimum phase of solar activity. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 the scintillation was beginning to increase with its value respectively of around 99%, 98%, and 99% in which the occurance was selected for S4 ≥ 0,5. The peak period of the occurance of ionospheric scintillation was obtained from data processing using Matlab software R2008a® using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method. Ionospheric scintillation generated from the GPS satellite signal through the ionosphere was delayed. The affects of ionospheric scintillation are cycle slips, loss of lock in navigational system, fading on signal or message error in satellite communication.enIonospheric irregularitiesscintillationF10.7, FFTGPS satelliteANALISIS MORFOLOGI GANGGUAN SINTILASI IONOSFER DI INDONESIAstudent Paper Post Degree