Manurung, GulatSulaeman, Rudianda2014-06-232014-06-232014-06-23wahyu sari yeni1858-4209 midrib is one of the waste generated from oil palm plantations. The waste is currently not fully utilized, supported the development of technology, the waste can be used as one of range of liquid smoke product. Liquid smoke has many benefits such as inhibitors, accelerate plant growth, anti-fungal and microbial even for soil quality and crop improvement. This study aims to(1) for liquid smoke Produce from the stem, (2) to determine the chemical constituent of liquid smoke. The results showed the yirld of liquid smoke palm midribs of 40.12%. The compound found in liquid smoke covers Asetic Acid, Ca-Mineral, C-Organic, N-Urea, P-phosphate and residues such as tar. The average pH in The liquid smoke result from the pyrolysis of palm midrib 3,248.enPalm midribliquid smokeyieldPEMANFAATAN PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PRODUK ASAP CAIR (Liquid Smoke)UR-Scientific Work Lecturer