Manurung, Kurnia Asih2023-08-112023-08-112023-06PerpustakaanElfitra a sub-district of Pekanbaru city which has the most densely populated area in Riau. This area requires consumption of water which is readily found from groundwater. It is important to investigate the distribution of groundwater, the purpose of this study is to identify and to determine the quality of groundwater. The data obtained in the acquisition process is used to calculate the apparent resistivity value at each measurement point and to analyze it quantitatively and qualitatively. The process is continued with inversion using Progress v3.0 Software so that the resistivity and layer thickness values are obtained at each measurement point. Results showed that the range of soil resistivity values for line 1 ranged from 5.54 Ωm to 1850.23 Ωm, line 2 has soil layer resistivity values ranging from 0.91 Ωm to 2675.59 Ωm, line 3 has soil resistivity values ranging from 11.15 ohm-meters to Ωm and track 4 has soil resistivity values ranging from 15.26 Ωm to 1202.40 Ωm. For water parameter measurements, the results find at pH ranges from 5.12 pH to 6.15 pH, for TDS values range from 11 mg/L to 98 mg/L, for conductivity values range from 14 mS/cm to 156 mS/cm and turbidity values are in the ranges of 0.27 NTU to 2.98 NTU. The conclusion of result of the comparison of parameter tests and quality standard thresholds is that the residents water is unfit for consumption.engeoelectricschlumbergergeochemistryqualityunderground waterANALISA SEBARAN DAN KUALITAS AIR BAWAH TANAH MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK ATURAN SCHLUMBERGER DAN METODE GEOKIMIA DI KELURAHAN SIMPANG BARU KECAMATAN TAMPAN PEKANBARU RIAUArticle