NasnillahZulkardi2012-11-102012-11-102012-11-09978-979-1222-95-2wahyu sari yeni line with PMRI approach, the use of Bermain Satu Rumah (BSR) as traditional game to support children's counting classroom wherein students are encouraged to construct mathematical understanding. This requires an adjustment to the activity of students, adjustments in the learning process for mathematization, as well as a reinventing of what constitutes mathematics. Design research was methodology that be used to investigate the role of BSR to support students in promoting and eliciting the basic concepts of counting. The study reported in this paper will describe analysis and evidence from a research effort involving grade 3 PMRI classroom in MIN 2 Palembang. Evidence of rich strategies and discussion on the notion of counting will be analyzed and reported. Our findings suggest that BSR as a contextual problem, students were able to develop the sense of number by different strategies of counting.enBermain Satu Rumah (BSR)number sensecountingUSING "BSR" AS TRADITIONAL GAME TO SUPPORT NUMBER SENSE DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN'S STRATEGIES OF COUNTINGArticle