Fitriza, Rozi2012-11-102012-11-102012-11-09978-979-1222-95-2wahyu sari yeni is one of lessons that teachers and students often complain with. Teachers, sometimes, do not optimally use teaching media, while a better way to teach geometry is through media. Macromedia Flash is one of computerized media that can be used to teach geometry. This paper discusses a research report about the implementation of macromedia flash in learning mathematics (geometry). The result of this study is that the students who are taught through using macromedia flash shows better result in geometry than they are who do not. Moreover, the research also found an increasing on student activities that are taught through macromedia flash.enMacro media flashlearningactivitiesUSING MACROMEDIA FLASH IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF GEOMETRY AT GRADE IX OF MTsN SUNGAYANG ACADEMIC YEAR 2010/2011Article