Parhusip, MandoSyech, RiadSugianto2013-03-052013-03-052013-03-05Rangga Dwijunanda Putra research to investigate ground water layer by Geoelistrical method in schlumberger configuration has been done at Regency of Griyo Puspito and Bumi Tampan Lestari, Tampan Districs, Pekanbaru. A resistivitimeter model – 2115A. Has been used to measure voltgsand currens of the layer. Results of measurement and calculation, it was found that there are 4 layers at from each of the research locations. The results obtained in Regency of Griyo Puspito are mentioned as follows, the resistivity and thickness of the first layer are 95.8 Ωm and 9 meters respectively, the second layer 147.8 Ωm in resisitivity and 22.9 meters thickness. This second layer is interpreted as sand clay are which contains brackish water. The resistivity and thickness of this third layer are in range of 294.1 Ωm to 298 Ωm and 36.4 to 62.4 meters. This third layer contains sandstone and aquifer. The fourth layer has resistivity less than 5000 Ωm , which is enough impermeable of water. Mean while the results of Regency of Bumi Tampan Lestari are follows, the resistivity and thickness of the first layer are range 93.0 Ωm to 97.1 Ωm and 7.6 meters to 12.2 meters respectively, the second layer are in range of 100 Ωm to 132.4 Ωm and 21.1 meters to 34.6 meters this to second layer interpreted as sandclay , which contain brackish water . The third layer has resistivity in range of 176.3 Ωm to 261.1 Ωm and thickness in range of 14.2 meters to 50 meters, which contain sandstone and aquifer. The resisitivity of the fourth layer is 4941.1 Ωm to 4974.4 Ωm, this layer interpreted as clay enough impermeable for water which has no aquiferotherGeolistricAquiferGround WaterSchlumbergerMENENTUKAN AKUIFER LAPISAN AIR TANAH DENGAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI SCHLUMBERGER DI PERUMAHAN GRIYO PUSPITO DAN BUMI TAMPAN LESTARIOther