Fitriani, Diah2022-07-182022-07-182022-01PerpustakaanElfitra Covid-19 pandemic has caused various impacts, one of which is on educational activities. The Indonesian government decided to implement learning by the Distance Learning method. This has become a hot topic of discussion on Twitter. The circulated tweets contain public opinions on the implementation of Distance Learning. This study aims to classify sentiments to see the public's view of the Distance Learning implementation. Data used in this study is obtained by using the keywords of online lecture, networked lecture, online school, and networked school from October to November 2020. The sentiment is classified into two classes: positive and negative. The classification process is carried out by the pre-processing data and word weighting using the TF/IDF technique. Data classification is done by using the Naïve Bayes Multinomial algorithm and evaluation of the algorithm is done by using the confusion matrix method. The final result of the classification process yields a good accuracy rate of 83%, precision of 33.33% and recall of 6.25%. The results show that netizens do not fully agree with the implementation of Distance Learning. It is showed by negative sentiments are 97% and positive sentiments are 3%.enDistance LearningNaïve BayesText MiningTF/IDFANALISIS SENTIMEN PENGGUNA TWITER TERHADAP METODE PEMBELAJARAN JARAK JAUH MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA NAÏVE BAYESArticle