HerianiHasriatiAziskhan2016-04-272016-04-272016-04-27wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8297This article discusses the term life insurance premiums using decreasing annuity. The initial annuity payment by n unit of payments and subsequent payments always decrease by one unit of the previous period. Determination of term life insurance premiums with decreasing annuity are based on the Balducci assumption and independent interest rate, which is one model of the time series of interest rate movementsenDecreasing annuityindependent interest rateterm life insuranceBalducci assumptionPREMI ASURANSI JIWA BERJANGKA DENGAN ANUITAS MENURUN BERDASARKAN TINGKAT BUNGA INDEPENDENstudent Paper Post Degree