HARIANI, KITTY2013-08-282013-08-282013-08-28MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5142shelter is automatically also increased because the amount of revenue requirements in line with population growth. The high economic growth in Pekanbaru, directly proportional to the increase in population growth. Proven demand for shelter continues to increase. That's why business property in Pekanbaru continue to mushroom. Because prospective still promising. The purpose of a company is to gain as much as possible, so as to be able to experience the long-term continuity for the company smoothly in the future. It is also a destination PT.BINTANG Property in addition to providing satisfaction to konsumen.Namun fact happens is the reduction of sales figures so do not hit the target properly. Barriers to the implementation of the sales strategy at PT. Property star caused by a) internal operational costs and b) external competition from its peers.otherPenjualan,Penjualan,Penjualan,ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN STRAATEGI PENJUALAN PRODUK PERUMAHAN RUMAH (STUDI KASUS PT.BINTANG PROPERTY)student Paper Post Degree