Rahmadeni, Chintya2022-07-272022-07-272022-02PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10604Motor vehicle testing is a vehicle testing process as a determinant of the feasibility of a vehicle operating on the highway. The goal is to minimize the possibility of accidents and create safety. The UPTD PKB of the Kampar Regency Transportation Service carried out motor vehicle testing on 4-wheeled vehicles such as goods transporting cars and passenger cars. The KIR test includes a pre-test and mechanical test with many criteria that must be tested on each vehicle. This study aims to built an information system for the proper and unfit classification of motorized vehicles by applied the C4.5 algorithm and implemented it into an information system. The system design is designed based on UML and websitebased. This study used 1729 datasets which are then divided into training and testing data with a ratio of 80%:20%. So that there are 1383 training data and 346 testing data from the calculation results obtained 27 rules. The application of data mining on the classification of the feasibility of motorized vehicles used the C4.5 algorithm produced an accuracy rate of 97,688%, recall 100%, and precision 97,561%.enC4.5 AlgorithmMotor Vehicle TestingKIR TestKLASIFIKASI KELAYAKAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR BERDASARKAN UJI KIR MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 DI DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KABUPATEN KAMPARArticle