Febriani, Eka2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10124Groundwater research and lithology analysis have been done using the Wenner configuration geoelectric method in Bukit Raya Subdistrict, precisely in Simpang Tiga and Tengkerang Utara Villages. This study aims to identify the lithology of the subsurface constituents of the earth based on the rock resistivity value in the study area. The number of tracks is two points with a track length of 100 meters. Data processing using Microsoft Excel and Res2Dinv software. In the trajectories 1, the resistivity value ranges from (49.6-672) ohm-m. The lithology of trajectories 1 consists of clay, sand, gravel, lumps of scale and sandstone. In the trajectories 2 the resistivity value ranges from (41.8-3896) ohm-m. The lithology of trajectories 2 consist of clay, sandy loam, sand, gravel, bedrock containing dry soil, as well as lumps of scale and sandstone.enlithologysubsurfacegeoelectricityWenner configurationIDENTIFIKASI LITOLOGI PENYUSUN BAWAH PERMUKAAN BUMI DI KECAMATAN BUKIT RAYA MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI WENNERArticle