Roza, Andalia2016-01-132016-01-132016-01-132461-1069wahyu sari yeni satisfaction is an emotional state that is pleasant or unpleasant in which employees view their work.Subjektif judgment about a person’s job satisfaction relating to salary, working condision, supervision, personal relationship at work and promotion opportunity.Influence of job satisfaction will have an impact to performance. The research arms to determine factors related to satisfaction and performance of nurses in patient hospital room of the ibnu sina hospital. Kind of research is cross sectional with 96 sample of nurses. Data analysis in this research are univariate, bivariate and multivariate with multipple logistic regression.Result of this research that variable not relating with performance and satisfaction is leadership. Conclussion,variable that related to performance are supervision (POR: 5,6) and sallary (POR: 2,7) and variable that related to satisfaction is sallary (POR: 5,4). Recommended to nursing managemenin Ibnu Sina Hospital to provide guidance through seminars and training on leadership, increase activity that relating with promotion, given employee salaries in time, make a comfortable work condition, and regularly supervisionenSatisfactionPerformanceFactors Related To Satisfaction And Performance Of Nurses In Patient Hospital Room Of The Ibnu Sina Hospital Pekanbaru 2014UR-Proceedings