Asri, Cinthya Geni2013-03-142013-03-142013-03-14Muchtar Rahmat research analyzes Greenpeace s demands toward Sinar Mas Group related to Crude Palm Oil trade in Indonesia, which has been an international issue. Indonesia is known for the wealth of natural resources, and for its rare animals. Greenpeace as the representative of organizations engaged in the natural environment, campaign to each partner of Sinar Mas Group to terminate cooperation with. Sinar Mas Group was accused by Greenpeace because its Crude Palm oil have caused impact for forest sustainability. The main agenda of this Crude Palm Oil trade is reconciliation and cooperation both between Greenpeace and Sinar Mas Group. To response toward Greenpeace s claim, Sinar Mas Group implemented different ways of action against Greenpeace. Sinar Mas Group brings any kind of actions especially appoint a mediator to this case.otherGreenpeaceSinar Mas GroupCrude Palm OilTUNTUTAN GREENPEACE TERHADAP SINAR MAS GROUP TERKAIT PERDAGANGAN MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT DI INDONESIA (TAHUN 2008-2011)student Paper Post Degree