Usraini, Laisa2021-10-192021-10-192021-03wahyu sari yeni of employees in a company is a process to get workers who are able to work in a company, by selecting until the recruitment of prospective employees, so the company must know when the recruitment will be opened. The research objective was to determine the average length of time for recruitment. The method used is Kumaraswamy distribution with three parameters α, β, λ as a measure for the estimated recruitment time, a simplified survival function using the properties of the Laplace transform is used to determine the duration of recruitment time. Based on the estimation of the average time of recruitment, the results show that the greater the value of the parameters α, β, λ, the less chance the average recruitment time is or the tighter the prospective employees are accepted.enKumaraswamy distributionsurvival functionLaplace transformemployee recruitmentparametersESTIMASI RATA-RATA WAKTU PEREKRUTAN KARYAWAN PERUSAHAAN BERDASARKAN DISTRIBUSI KUMARASWAMYArticle