Pratama, R.M. Rizky2013-07-172013-07-172013-07-17 study was conducted at PT SMS Finance Pekanbaru with a view to analyze the influence of corporate culture, which consists of a bureaucratic culture, innovative culture and supportive culture on employee performance. With limited number of employees, the research conducted by the census method, in which 37 people used the company's employees as respondents in this study. Descriptive analyzes were conducted to test the hypothesis and performed with multiple regression method.The research concludes that the bureaucratic culture, innovative culture and supportive culture has a positive effect on employee performance, which The most dominant factor is given by the bureaucratic culture. From the analysis descriptive, the study also showed that employees' performance on category quite well. Recommendations are given to the company is that management provide greater opportunities for employees to be able to work with innovative, creative and more willing to take risks in solving the challenges the job at hand. The firm also advised to be more open to employees about the company's true condition.otherbureaucratic cultureinnovative culturesupportive cultureAchievement workPENGARUH BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP PRESTASI KERJA KARYAWAN DI PT SMS FINANCE PEKANBARU