Wibowo, Mungin Eddy2019-04-262019-04-262019-04-24wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/9670The multicultural counseling movement is a revolutionary force that has clearly become the center of attention in the counseling profession. Multicultural counseling and therapy have continued to develop over the past year due to the complex and rapid changes in society around the world. Multiculturalism blows very hard along with the wave of globalization that swept the world in the 21st century. The Wave of globalization that is spurred by information technology has even given birth, not only the world culture but also cyberculture. Society and the nation of Indonesia is part of global life that is inseparable from the wave of social and cultural changes that occur, namely the process of democratization which includes human rights, the rapid development of science and technology, especially information technology, and the influence of global culture on culture local, national culture of Indonesia. Indonesian society is multicultural so it should be a multicultural ground in the world of counseling in Indonesia counseling. Therefore, multicultural insight is a challenge and demand for future counselors in the 21st-century. Multiculturalism is the recognition of cultural pluralism that needs to be preserved as a treasure of humanity's cultural wealth. Because there is recognition, the diverse cultures live parallel in harmony and tolerance. 21st-century professional counselors in conducting multicultural counseling are important to understand the effects of cultural values, beliefs, behaviors, and other matters on clients from different cultural backgrounds in an effort to build relationships and understand each other. Counselors should seek cultural competence so that counselors will be able to form strong working relationships with clients so as to obtain good counseling results. Multicultural competence can be defined as the extent to which a counselor is actively involved in the process of self-awareness, gain knowledge, and apply skills in working with diverse individuals. In the age of diversity and globalization, the development of cultural competence becomes important as a set of successful adaptive skills within a person's environment. An effective counselor is indispensable in a multicultural society in the 21st-century because there will be a competition between professions to win public confidence. The 21st-century perspective on school counseling is at the core of a new vision of the counseling profession. Advocacy is an action to empower individuals or groups through actions that enhance self-efficacy, remove barriers to services needed, and encourage systemic change. The effectiveness of a counselor is not only enough to master concepts, theories, and counseling techniques, but the basic is the quality of personality with "wisdom". Wisdom is needed by counselors, especially in multicultural counseling in an effort to create an intimate relationship with clientsen21st-CenturyMulticultural AwarenessMulticultural CompetenceMulticultural Counseling PracticeKonseling Multikultural Di Abad-21Article