Raja, SahalaRossi,EvyFitriani,Shanti2013-01-192013-01-192013-01-19Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1533Sahala Raja.Jur. 2012The objectives of this research were to know the quality of fermentation drink made of pumpkin with various types and concentrations of sweeteners. The research was conducted using a completely randomized design with eight treatments and three replications. As for treatment in this study, namely A1B1 (honey 10%), A1B2 (honey 15%), A2B1 (caramel syrup 10%), A2B2 (caramel syrup 15%), A3B1 (palm sugar 10%), A3B2 (palm sugar 15%), A4B1 (sucrose 10%) and A4B1 (sucrose 15%). The data obtained were statistically analyzed by Anova and followed by DNMRT test to see the differences. The results of this research showed that addition of sweeteners with a variety of concentrations were no significant different (P<0.05) on the pH value, total lactic acid bacteria and viscosity. but The treatments were significant different (P>0.05) on ash content, assessment of color, aroma, taste and overall assessment. The best treatment of this research was A2B2 (caramel syrup 15%) with pH 4.19, total lactic acid bacteria 8.59 log CFU/ml and 0.40% ash content. The best preferred color, aroma, taste and overall assessment of all treatments were A2B2.otherpumpkinfermentation drinkLactic acid bacteriasensory evaluationThe Quality Evaluation of Fermentation Drink From Squash (Cucurbita moschata) with Type Variety and Concentration of Sweetenerstudent Paper Post Degree