DesnitaTamboesai, Emrizal M.Anita, Sofia2013-03-072013-03-072013-03-07Rangga Dwijunanda Putra oil is used as raw material for various types of machinery lubricants. To get the lubricant in accordance with the specifications of the required machinery, base oil is added of additives. The Additives are chemichal compound in certain formulations for lubricants in accordance with defined specifications. The composition of base oil in a lubricant is around 80% and around 20% additives composition. Not all of the crude oil can be processed into base oil. Only the crude oil of the type n-paraffins were peoduced base oil for lube base oil. But this crude oil was very limited in earth crust. In this study, fractionation of Zamrud crude oil using active silica stationary phase and n-hexane as a solvent to separate the fractions is conducted of saturat. These fractions were analyzed by using of Gas Chromatography (GC). Fraction of saturat residual gas chromatography analysis of fractioned using zeolite A to obtain crude oil type n-paraffin. This fractionation results were also analyzed by gas chromatography. From the results of gas chromatographic analysis, a change in the appereance of the chromatogram before and after being treated by molecular sieve. from the number of chains of carbon atoms that exist in the pre-filtered chromatogram with zeolite A there were 29 carbon atoms, whereas after filtered with zeolite A number carbon atoms were reduced 27, indicating the existence of the saturat fraction retained on the zeolite A. Zeolite A is considerable efficiency in filtering Zamrud crude oil, the average efficiency is 46,89%, moreover the ratio pr/ph of Zamrud crude oil were 3,04 which indicates that Zamrud crude oil came from the higher plantsothercrude oilzeolit Abase oilfractionationgas chromatographyPEMANFAATAN ZEOLIT A DARI ABU LAYANG SEBAGAI PENYARING MINYAK MENTAH MENJADI BASE OIL DARI SUMUR MINYAK ZAMRUD, SIAKOther