Herlandy, Pratama B2013-01-252013-01-252013-01-25Sahlanhttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1623PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA E-LEARNING BERBASIS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PADA MATERI MOMENTUM DAN IMPULSABSTRACT This study aims to design, build, and validate e-Learning media based on learning management system. Object of this study is a e-Learning media based on Learning Management System on the material of momentum and impulse on using Moodle program. The instrument used to collect data is a questionnaire of validation e-Learning media. Questionnaire used consists of two aspects, design and programming aspects. Validation of media in this study was carried out by 4 validator. Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive analysis, by calculating of average each indicator e-Learning media. Validity of the e-Learning media is determined by the average value of each aspect given by the validator. Validation results for the designing aspect was 4,32 at a very high category, and programming aspects of the category of very high 4,39 and the aspect of learning trials test results showed 80% of students have a value ≥ 75 as a minimum critera. From the analysis of the study, obtained the e-Learning media of momentum and impulse are able be use as a media of learning in high school physics class XI.otherDesigning,Buildingvaliditye-Learning, Momentum and ImpulsePengembangan Media E-Learning Berbasis Learning Management System Pada Materi Momentum Dan Impulsstudent Paper Post Degree