Indrawati, Indrawati2019-07-292019-07-292019-07-29978-602-14576-2-7wahyu sari yeni community necessity of the tourism increases together with the global economic growth until the tourism Industry development becomes the one of priorities that is concerned by government. “Community Empowerment in the action of Harau Goes to the World in the Tourism of Harau Valley, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatera Province” purposes to find out the community involvement in managing tourism area and the effort of community empowerment by the government and the community itself in developing the tourism of Harau Valley. This is the qualitative research. The community figure and the stakeholder are the informants in the management and the development of this tourism area. According to the survey, there are some destinations can be promoted in Harau, for example; rocky climbing, lodging, family play zone, culinary and camping ground that the management and the development are done by the community cooperates with the government. Community-based tourism need to be concerned so the management and the development of these destinations head to the sustainable tourism. The identification of the tourism potential and the resources need to be upgraded professionally. Transportation, accommodation and community capability must be considered to increase the bargaining and the visitors’ satisfaction. The role of local government; department of tourism and the community figure are needed to empower the community and to promote the tourism to bring into reality “Harau Goes to the World”.enPemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Aksi “Harau Menuju Dunia” Di Kawasan Wisata Alam Lembah Harau Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Provinsi Sumatera BaratArticle