Roberto, R.Umar, L.Setiadi, R. N.2014-03-262014-03-262014-03-26Rangga Dwijunanda Putra coil inductive sensors based on Eddy currents principal could work without direct mechanical contact on the object, it could work continuously and reactively to the conductive material. This system is easily influenced by external disturbances. Based on inductance value due to changes in magnetic force lines that occurs between the sensor and conductor material (disturbances material). The system could be used as a detection of distance translation. The used sensors in this study was a flat coil made of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology with various geometric shapes, such as circle, square, rectangle and octagonal. Distance detection analysis were evaluated using a LC oscillator which was directly connected to a computer that able to transform a massive range measurement into frequencies. Characteristics of distance detection was influenced by geometry of the flat coil sensors with its highest value of frequency of 1.68 MHz for a circular shape, 1.66 MHz for an octagonal shape, 1.52 MHz for an square shape, 1.42 MHz for an rectangular shape, respectively with the minimum distances as far as 5 mm for each shape. The temperature tested as external disturbances caused change in characteristics of the transfer curve based on drift frequency for distance detection analysis based on a mathematical formulaotherFlat Coil SensorEddy CurrentOscillator LCANALISA SIFAT FISIS SENSOR KOIL DATAR DENGAN VARIASI GEOMETRIOther