Nurjannah, Siti2022-01-192022-01-192021-07wahyu sari yeni article discusses the producs of (13 + q3)(23 + q3) · · · (n3 + q3) by conditions n ≥ maks{q; 1198 − q} for positive integer n and q by using congruence method in choosing prime numbers. This technique aims to the result p-adic valuation the producs of (13 + q3)(23 + q3) · · · (n3 + q3) or can be written with vp(Cn) is 1. As an application for q = 1; : : : ; 10, the solution does not result in perfect powers when the valuation vp(Cn) is 1.enLegendre symbolperfect powersthe p-adic valuationsPERKALIAN (13 + q3)(23 + q3) (n3 + q3) DENGPERKALIAN (13 + q3)(23 + q3) (n3 + q3) DENGAN SYARAT n maks fq; 1198􀀀��qg TIDAK MENGHASILKAN BILANGAN BERPANGKATAN SYARAT n maks fq; 1198􀀀��qg TIDAK MENGHASILKAN BILANGAN BERPANGKATArticle