Atika, Nurul2013-02-122013-02-122013-02-12Nickmatil Verdani Fitri The Cooperative Learning Model By Using Think Pair Square Technique For Increasing The Math ScoreCooperative Learning Model with TPS Technique is the developing from TPS which is developed by Frank Lyman and TPS by spencer Kagan. Anita Lie (lie.2002) combines the two techniques in ti TPS as a cooperative learning structure. This Techniques gives more chances to the students to appreciate them selves it can be also user for all subjects and the students in each level. TPS is learning strategy that comes from cooperative learning research. The aim of the research is done in the class to improve or to increase the quality of learning practise by using TPS in the topic “Fraction” to raise the score. This research is done in SD Negeri 011 Parit aman in the second semester 2011/2012. The subject of the research is the students from class IV, 16 persons of the boy with the heterogen pf academic heterogen in the research, the data is from the observation of the teacher’s activies and the observation of the students interaction and activities. From the students attitude analyze data, can be taken a cduclusion that the student have the positive attitude toward learning by using TPS.en-USCooperative Learning ModelThink Pair SquareLearning OutcomesAppling The Cooperative Learning Model By Using Think Pair Square Technique For Increasing The Math Scorestudent Paper Post Degree