Leli, Siswana2013-02-022013-02-022013-02-02http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1859The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of head room with the supervisory role of the nurse practitioner performance. The research method used is descriptive correlation. The study was conducted at the General Hospital Petala Earth by total sample of 63 people who were taken by using a random sampling technique. Measuring instrument used was questionnaire which tested the validity and reliability. The analysis used is the Chi Square. Results showed p value <0.05 and that it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the role of supervising the performance of head room with the nurse practitioner. The results of this study recommend to set a policy on the implementation of clinical supervision as a form of academic models of clinical supervision is applied in patient wards. To evaluate the implementation of the supervision of the head of the room at least once every six months by using questionnaires measuring tool room under the supervision of chief nurse executive perceptions. To measure job satisfaction and performance of nurse practitioner regularly every six months by using a job satisfaction survey of job satisfaction questionnaire self-evaluation and assessment of nursing care documentation.enapplication of supervisionthe head of the roomnurse performanceHUbungan peran super visi kepala ruangan dengan kinerja perawat pelaksana dirumah sakit umum daerah petala bumiOther