Hutahaean, YolliSukamto2024-06-062024-06-062023-11PerpustakaanElfitra are one of the most important assets owned by a company in its efforts to maintain survival, development, the ability to compete and earn profits. Good performance from each employee will certainly make the company benefit from the smooth running of the company. To maintain and improve the quality of each employee, one way is to carry out an assessment to select the best employees. This research aims to build a decision support system for selecting the best employees using the profile matching method with a case study of the Labersa Grand Hotel and Convention Center. This research uses three criteria, namely general, leadership and assessment over the last 6 months, each criterion has sub-criteria. The sub-criteria of the general criteria are quality of work results, quantity of work results, discipline and effectiveness as well as responsibility for work. The sub-criteria of one of the leadership criteria are problem handling and decision making, loyalty and caring, honesty, coordination and cooperation, planning and creation and accountability. The sub-criteria for the assessment criteria for the last 6 months are receiving a warning letter, being absent without permission, permission, illness and receiving a written award from the company. This decision support system produces the best employee ranking with the highest score being alternative A137 with a score of 4.87 and the lowest score being alternative A71 with a score of 3.99. This research has succeeded in building a decision support system for selecting the best employees using the profile matching method, and can help and make it easier for Labersa Grand Hotel and Convention Center in selecting the best employees.enBest EmployeeHotelLabersa Grand Hotel and Convention CenterProfile Matching MethodSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN KARYAWAN TERBAIK MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING (STUDI KASUS : LABERSA GRAND HOTEL AND CONVENTION CENTER)Article